How to transfer WordPress website to another host

How to use all in one wp migration
How to use all in one wp migration

Many people want to transfer the WordPress website to another host. Because of that, sometimes they need to transfer their website to another hosting server.
If you need to migrate your WordPress website, this tutorial for you. I will show you how to transfer your WordPress website to another server. After reading this article you will be able to transfer the WordPress website to another host

Let’s start talking about transfer the WordPress website to another host.

At first, you need to log in to your WordPress admin panel. Because of that, If you want to transfer your site easily, you have to use a plugin. Otherwise, it will be complicated for you. If you have enough knowledge about website database management, you can transfer your website manually.

Whatever, Now log in your WordPress admin panel.

After login, your  WordPress website admin panel go to Plugins > Add New

You will see a window as like following image:

Now write “All in one wp migration”  at the search box. You will find a popular WordPress migration plugin which name is “All in One WP Migration”.

Now click on the “Install Now” button to install this plugin. Once it’s installed now Activate this plugin.

Once it’s activated, you will find an option in your admin navigation panel which name is “All-in-One WP Migration”.

Now click on that. You will find some other options in the sub-menu. Than click on the Export option.

At this time choose Export to > File option

Your website export process will start & wait until it’s completed. If export process completed you will be seen the following window. Now download this file.

After download, this file goes to your new hosting Cpanel & setup WordPress as usually. Once WordPress will be installed in your new hosting or location install “All in One WP Migration” plugin  as usually (I have described above).

After “All in One WP Migration” plugin activation go to Import > File

Now choose the file which you have downloaded before. You’re all set. Just wait until it’s completed.

You can read also my article How to use the Really Simple SSL plugin on your WordPress website. If you have any queries about this tutorial, write in the comment box.

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Md Dalwar
Md Dalwar is experienced web developer who is working with WordPress and Laravel. He has very helpful mind to help people about any type of thing that he can. Also he provides web related services for peoples. His hobby is writing and coding.