On page SEO configure on your WordPress website

set up seo

Once you have created a website, search engine optimization is a very big thing for you. Otherwise, you can’t find a proper visitor on your website. That’s why you need to configure proper search engine optimization. If you’re using WordPress, it’s very easy for you. There are so many plugins available in their repository. You can use those plugins for free. In this article, you’re going to learn about how to set up on page SEO on your WordPress website. I will use a popular free WordPress plugin which name is Yoast SEO.

Install the Yoast SEO Plugin into WordPress.

If you want to use the Yoast plugin you have to install your website dashboard. Now, you need to log in to your website dashboard. So that you can install the plugin. Once you have logged in your dashboard go to the Plugins > Add New option. You will see the following window.

enable maintenance mode

Write “Yoast SEO” in the search box. You will find the “Yoast SEO” plugin on the first page. Install the Yoast SEO plugin. On the other hand, you can install the plugin by upload option. If you want to use the upload option, you can download the plugin from here. Now active the plugin.

Configure the plugin

Once you will be install and active the plugin, you will see a new navigation menu on the left sidebar of the WordPress admin panel. Navigation name will be “SEO”. Go to the SEO option. Now, you will find three tabs in your dashboar area like the below example.

on page seo image

Here is some instructional message to you from the plugin. You don’t need any configuration in the Dashboard tab. Now, click on the Features tab and confirm that all option is on. This is analyzing confirmation from you. Those options will be to collect some information from your website. Don’t worry about those options. Those options are not dangerous for you. It’s just a formality to collect website information. But, if you disagree about some options. You will be lost some plugin facility for your website. Finally, you have to complete some configuration in the Webmaster Tools. So, click on the Webmaster Tools.

Webmaster Tools

Place your search engine verification code into the fields and click on the Save Changes button. If you don’t know how to get verification code from the search engine just click on the fields link. You will be redirected to the instructional page. At this time, follow their instructions and find your verification code for your website. You will be fully configured on your website for search engine optimization. From now, when you will publish any post, you will find some SEO options and suggestion below in the editor panel. You have to follow those instructions and suggestions. So, If you maintain there rules, your website will be rank in the search engine.


If you don’t configure all options, your website will not rank in the search engine properly. That’s why you need to configure your SEO option as search engine rules. Yoast plugin will help you to configure your website on page configuration. It very helps with any type of WordPress website owner. If you want to know more about the SEO factors, you can search on google. It will help you to find more resources. I hope you have got some knowledge of on page SEO. If you have any query you contact me.

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Md Dalwar
Md Dalwar is experienced web developer who is working with WordPress and Laravel. He has very helpful mind to help people about any type of thing that he can. Also he provides web related services for peoples. His hobby is writing and coding.